Nigel Morgan, PhD (he/him)
Nigel Morgan is Professor of Social Sustainability at the University of Surrey’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and a Sustainability Fellow in its new Institute for Sustainability. He researches on the connections between inclusion, social justice, and the visitor economy and on the development of sustainable, resilient places that promote wellbeing and human flourishing for visitors and residents. His most recent research projects and publications focus on ageing and tourism experiences, and on stakeholder engagement in place management.
2018 Morgan, N. & Pritchard, A. Gender Matters in Hospitality Research, Education and Employment. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76; pp. 38-44 (Gender Matters in Hospitality (invited paper for ‘luminaries’ special issue of International Journal of Hospitality Management) - ScienceDirect)
2017 Pritchard, A. & Morgan, N. Tourism’s Lost Leaders: Analysing Gender and Performance, Annals of Tourism Research, 63 pp.34-47
2011 Hopeful Tourism: A new transformative perspective, Annette Pritchard, Nigel Morgan & Irena Ateljevic, Annals of Tourism Research 38 (3) pp. 941-963.
1998 Tourism Promotion and Power: creating images, creating identities. Nigel Morgan & Annette Pritchard, Chichester & New York: John Wiley & Sons.